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440v 三相无零线船用洗衣机

440v 三相无零线船用洗衣机--点击浏览大图
“440v 三相无零线船用洗衣机”参数说明
是否有现货: 认证: ISO9001
驱动方式: 滚筒式 种类: 洗脱两用机
清洗方式: 磨擦清洗 燃料:
清洗工序: 热水清洗 型号: XTQ-10
规格: 10kg 商标: 通洋
包装: 软包 产量: 5000
“440v 三相无零线船用洗衣机”详细介绍


,XTQ-10船用全自动洗衣机XTQ-10 Marine Automatic-fully Washer Extractor产 品 特 点 feature

XTQ-10全自动洗脱机是一种采用变频调速微电脑控制洗涤、漂洗、脱水等程序的高效率的全自动洗衣机。 XTQ-10Marine Automatic-fully Washer Extractor is the machine designed with frequency-conversion, speed-adjusting, microcomputer controlling which is collected with washing and extracting function. 洗衣机传动部分采用目前国际上先进的变频调速技术,结构简单运转平稳, 脱水速度高. The driving parts of the washing machine adopts the?frequency-conversion, speed-adjusting technology, easy structure, stable running and high-speed extracting. 洗涤盒可以预加洗涤粉剂或洗涤液,供洗涤过程中按不同洗涤程序要求添加,确保整个从洗涤、漂洗、脱水等程序的全自动工作。 The washing boxes can be added with the washing powder and washing scour in advance, which is added according to the different washing requirement during the washing, ensure the automatic-fully operation from washing to extracting. 本机机框采用高强度型钢焊接而成,内桶采用优质不锈钢材料制作及经特殊防腐处理的外缸. 确保洗衣机坚固耐用持久稳定,为用户创造最大的价值。 The frame is welded by the high strength profiled bar, the inside drum is made of good-quality stainless steel, and the outer drum is embalmment treated specially. And it holds the reliable driving seal structure system to ensure the machine strong and stable.? 本机采用大尺寸的前开门和180度大角度开门结构使顾客在放衣和取衣时更方便,可靠的门锁系统,确保操作人员使用安全。 Cutting-off electricity when door open and reliable lock system to ensure the safety of the operators. It is more convenient to take out the fabric for big-size front door and 180 degree large-angle door structure. 操作简单,维护方便,只需打开前后面板就可进行日常检修和保养 Easy operation and maintenance, opening the front and back panel, then can be going on the daily maintenance.


编辑:扬州通江洗涤机械厂  时间:2018/05/11